Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sri Linka: Scrabulous

Nothing like link love to spread the internet fever. From today, I start yet another category of posts few people will bother to read. It's called 'Sri Linka', and it's all about doing what the great ÜberM loves to do. (For details, look to the top right hand corner of this blog.)

I remember the many afternoons I spent playing scrabble with my grandmother. Were it not for her, I'd never have made the mistake of falling in love with words and harbouring delusions of being a writer. This one's for her. And for the wordsmiths and wordiots of the world. A great new way to scrabble. Online. Here's to yet another activity turning into a verb. (No, don't thank me. Thank Rajat and Jayant Agarwalla, the developers of this application.)

Sri Linka: Scrabulous

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