Friday, August 3, 2007

Sri Linka: Friends, anyone?

I've often wondered why I have few friends. I still do. I suppose, it must have something to do with the things I do, or not. That said, here's an heartfelt take on the matter of friendship and what it can do, or not, to you. It touched me. Maybe it'll do the same for you. Much like a good friend ought to. Not that I know of any in my half-circle of acquaintances.

An excerpt: A real friend doesn't sleep with your partner. A real friend doesn't use you. A real friend wishes you well. A real friend acts in your interests. A real friend isn't possessive. A real friend will do you a favour without holding it against you. A real friend will tell you what they think. A real friend will drop everything for you when you are in need. A real friend is rare indeed. And elsewhere in the piece this gem: "Your friends are God's apology for your relations".

Sri Linka: Friends, anyone?

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